Life is about changes, sounds classic, but nothing in this world would remain the same. We evolve, either backward or forward, for the better or for the worse, or for the meh-okay-fine. This post is about change, my personal growth, or whatever society wants to call this uncomfortable never-ending painful healing process. 2021 was very uncomfortably disturbing for me. I changed, a lot. I started to replenish myself; I relearn so many things about my identity and how I perceive myself and others. I am sitting in my Gender in IR class while writing this, and while multi-tasking while reading a post from Instagram, I found this: The 'new you' will upset some people. They'll tell you they miss the 'old you'. When this happes, you'll wonder whether you made the right decision. You'l think to yourself, "Should I go back to the old me?..." The answer is, I don't know. I don't like myself now as well as I don't like myself then. I think the p...